QUESTA, C., Numeri innumeri. Ricerche sui 'cantica' e la tradizione manoscritta di Plauto. € 21.50 Antiquarian Add to cart
PLAUTUS, Three Comedies. The Braggart Soldier, The Brothers Menaechmus, The Haunted House. Translated from the Latin, with an introduction and notes, by E. Segal. € 11.50 Antiquarian Add to cart
CUSSET, C., J.-C. CARRIÈRE, a.o., (eds.), Où courir? Organisation et symbolique de l'espace dans la comédie antique. € 16.00 Antiquarian Add to cart
PLAUTUS, Three Comedies. The Braggart Soldier, The Brothers Menaechmus, The Haunted House. Translated from the Latin, with an introduction and notes, by E. Segal. € 11.50 Antiquarian Add to cart
LEO, Fr., Plautinische Forschungen. Zur Kritik und Geschichte der Komödie. € 35.00 Antiquarian Add to cart