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Die Cantica des Plautus.

Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen, 1970. 210p. Sewn. Upper edge a bit stained.
'Braun is arguing a case about the structure of the cantica, and his analyses are structural analyses offered in support and illustration of his case.(...) Braun's introduction shows clearly that we can detect a variety of recurring patters, and that repetition and symmetry of several kinds form the structural basis of many cantica. (...) Braun's most serious fault is his confidence that he knows where to mark a break in subject-matter. This is a notoriously subjective question, and his observation that other scholars have different views on how to divide up a passage should have led him to be less abusive of his colleagues and more tentative about his own divisions. (...) Braun's grasp of Plautine metrics seems insecure, and his analyses are overconfident; but they are interesting and subtle, and future studies will have to take them into account.' (P.G.McC. BROWN in The Classical Review (New Series), 1973, pp.163-65). From the library of the late Prof. W. Geoffrey Arnott.
€ 25.00 Antiquarian