Hellas in vogelvlucht. Het oude Griekenland vanuit de lucht gezien.
Spectrum, Utrecht, 1974. 254p. ills. Cloth wrps. Original title: Greece from the air. 'This handsome and exciting volume contains air photographs in colour of eighty of the most important excavated sites of ancient Greece. The intention is 'to provide a new experience and perspective' and in this it is splendedly suddessful. These views of ancient ruins embedded in the Greek countryside are at the same time breathtakingly beautiful and genuinely informative. (...) Each photograph is accompanied by a commentary outlining the history of the site or buildings concerned, a perspective sketch or plan on which the visible features are numbered for easy reference, and a list of the numbered features. Regrattably this supporting material is not all as good as it should be (...). It is the collection of photogrpahs, however, which remains the justification for the boo, and these are a constant source of pleasure and instruction. (...) This book can be recommended as good value equally for school and departmental libraries, for the armchair traveler and for the tourist on the ground.' (D. R. WILSON on the English original edition in The Classical Review (New Series), 1977, p.311).
€ 12.50