Scrinium Classical Antiquity

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  • Hellenistic Art. The Art of the Classical World from the Death of Alexander the Great to the Battle of Actium. Phaidon Press, London,1971. 283p. ills.(177 B&W and 20 full colour plates). Cloth. Cover slightly stained. Spine a bit discoloured. Small personal library mark, note and name on half title.This 'is a most welcome addition to our standard works on Greek art. Christine Havelock is a pupil of Rhys Carpenter; and she has learned to look at works of art (...). Her keen scrutinity often reveals intentions on the artist's part that have hitherto passed unnoticed. She has a finegift of exposition which enhances her insight into characterization, and a telling use of phrase which extends from penetrating observations like the 'configuration of the head which holds in balance qualities of repose and movement at one and the same time', to charming metaphors as a 'long beard hanging like melting icicles'. After a short foreword, in which the author establishes her thesis that Hellenistic art is an enrichment and enlargement, not a degeneration, of earlier styles, the book is devided into sections on the main branches of art, each followed by its own illustrations. The text in each section is devided between an introduction to the topic and a critical analysis of the individual pieces illustrated.' (J.M. COOK in The Classical Review (New Series), 1974, p.106). From the library of the late Sir Kenneth James Dover. € 21.50 (Antiquarian)

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