Cronologia e Storia. Studi comparati sull' 'Athenaion Politeia' di Aristotele.
Pubblicazioni degli Istituti di Storia della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia, Perugia, 1975. 122p. Sewn. Unopened. Small personal library mark, name as well as author’s dedication on free endpaper.The distinguishing of two different types of reckoning seems to offer the key for the solution of the problems of chronolgy presented by Aristotle's Athenaion Politeia. The consequences of this discovery appear on various levels - from the order of the list of archons to a fresh outlook on the origins of Atthidography, from the relationship between local history and great history to the passage from the oral to the written stage and the formation of the 'historical cycle'. Numerous individual aspects besides - such as the chronological structure of the Marmor Parium, the series of the first ostracisms, the Themistocles' Decree from Troizen, etc. - lend themselves to new hypotheses for other solutions. (Editor's information). From the library of the late Sir Kenneth James Dover.
€ 21.50