28 results found within keyword: "Epicurus"
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KOENEN, M.H., In luminis oras. De verklaringen voor optische problemen in Lucretius DRN IV en de antieke opvattingen over het zien en over spiegels. In luminis oras: The Explanations of Optical Problems in Lucretius DRN IVand the Ancient Theories of Vision and Mirrors (with an English Summary). Private Presses, n.p., 1995. 235p. Theses. Sewn. Title hand written to spine. Diss. Rijksuniversiteit Leiden. € 20.00 (Antiquarian)
LEMKE, D., Die Theologie Epikurs. Versuch einer Rekonstruktion. Beck, München, 1973.118p. Sewn. Edges slightly yellowed. Series: Zetemata, Heft 57. 'This is a monograph which can be recommended warmly to all specialists in the field.' (A.A. LONG in The Classical Review (New Series), 1976, p.217). € 20.00 (Antiquarian)
LEOPOLD, J.H., Uit den tuin van Epicurus. Heureka, Nieuwkoop, 1976. Photomechanical reprint ed.1920. 60p. Hard cover. Vertaling van ondermeer: 'Uit den brief aan Herodotus over het wezen der dingen'; Epicurus aan Menoeceus; Seneca, Epist. XXI. 10; Cicero de Finibus I. 9-29. € 8.00 (Antiquarian)
LIVINGSTONE, R.W., The Mission of Greece. Some Greek views of life in the Roman world. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1928. XI,302p. ills. Cloth. Gilt stamped spine and front cover. Nice copy. € 23.00 (Antiquarian)
POHLENZ, M., Gestalten aus Hellas. Bruckmann, München, n.d.(1950) 744p. ills. Cloth. 'It is possible that a foreign reviewer of a younger generation may fail to do justice to the qualities of this book. It shows the wide but unobtrusive learning which characterizes Professor Pohlenz' earlier woks. But this picture is an idealized one, and the modern age may feel the need of something more realistic and astringent.' (H.LL. HUDSON-WILLIAMS in The Classical Review (New Series), 1952, p.200). € 10.00 (Antiquarian)
REDLOW, G., Theoria. Theoretische und praktische Lebensauffassung im philosophischen Denken der Antike. VEB Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften, Berlin, 1966. 1st ed. 166p. Cloth wrps. € 23.00 (Antiquarian)
SCHMIDT, J. (ed.), Aufklärung und Gegenaufklärung in der europäischen Literatur, Philosophie und Politik von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt, 1989. VII,547p. Bound. Light scratch on front cover. Upper edge a bit grimy.A.o. J. SCHMIDT: Sophokles, König Ödipus. Das Scheitern des Aufklärers an der alten Religion (pp.33-56); M. FUHRMANN: Cato - Die altrömische Tradition im Kampf mit der griechischen Aufklärung (pp.72-93); E.R. DODDS: Mentalitätswandel von der griechischen Aufklärung zur Spätantike und zum Christentum (pp.93-129); J. SCHMIDT: Für und wider die Lust: Epikur und Antiepikurismus von der Antike bis zur Moderne (...) (pp.206-220). € 10.00 (Antiquarian)
SHIEL, James, Greek Thought and the Rise of Christianity. Longmans, London / Harlow, 1968. XI,161p. Paperback. Small personal library mark and name on free endpaper.From the library of the late Sir Kenneth James Dover. € 12.50 (Antiquarian)