127 results found within keyword: "Byzantine studies"
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BERG, H. v.d., Anonymus. De obsidione toleranda. Ed.critica. Brill, Leiden, 1947. 113p. Diss.RUG. € 31.50 (Antiquarian)
BEZA, M., Heritage of Byzantium. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, London, 1947. 108p. ills.(B&W photographs). Cloth. Back cover stained. Edges bit stained. € 26.50 (Antiquarian)
BIDEZ, J., Julian der Abtrünnige. Übersetzung von H. Rinn. Callwey, München, 1940. 442p. ills.(B&W photographs). Bound. Cover bit stained, bit discoloured. € 10.50 (Antiquarian)
BLANKEN, G.H., Glorie der Griekse Middeleeuwen, Anna Comnena 1083-1148. Van Loghum Slaterus, Arnhem, 1953. 70p. ills. Bound wrps. Series: Gastmaal der Eeuwen. € 8.50 (Antiquarian)
BOCHOVE, Th.E. van, To Date and Not To Date. On the Date and Status of Byzantine Law Books. Forsten, Groningen, 1996. XXX,257p. Theses. Paperback. Diss. Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. € 22.00 (Antiquarian)
BORRÀS, L., and M. DOLORES SERRANO, A Korai Középkor. Corvina, Budapest, 1988. 315p.Richly ills.(Full colour and B&W photographs as well as line drawings). Imitation leather bound with dust wrps. Dust wrps worn. Signature on free endpaper. € 10.00 (Antiquarian)
BORZSÁK, St., (ed.), Acta Classica Universitatis Scientiarum Debreceniensis. Debrecen, 1965. 104p. Sewn. Lower corner bit dog's eared. Small personal library mark and name on front cover.A.o.: I. TEGYEY: Observations on a Linear B Cadastral List (pp.1-11); J. SARKADY: Die ionischen Feste und die ionische Urgeschichte (pp.11-21); E. MARÓTI: Zur Entstehung von Vergils Georgica (pp.25-33); S. JOURNOUD: Apulée contour (pp.33-39); St. BORZSÁK: War Simon Grynaeus Kustos der Bibliotheca Corviniana? (pp.63-77). From the library of the late Sir Kenneth James Dover. € 15.00 (Antiquarian)
BOUMAN, C.A., Theotokos Moeder van God. Over de Marialeer en de Mariavereering van de Oostersche Kerken. DeToorts, n.p., 1941. 80p. ills. Bound. € 14.50 (Antiquarian)
BRAAT, L.P.J., Op zoek naar Byzantium. Hellas hervonden. Amsterdam, 1955. 87p. ills. Sewn wrps. No. 85 (of 300 copies).Met twaalf litho's van Maaike Braat. € 21.50 (Antiquarian)
BRIDGE, Anthony, Theodora. Cassell, London, 1978. IX,194p. Bound wrps. Wrps slightly worn at lower corner. Fore edge with light stain. € 12.00 (Antiquarian)