735 results found within keyword: "Reception"
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JOURNAL OF THE WARBURG AND COURTAULD INSTITUTES. Vol.XXXI. Trinity Press, Worcester/London, 1968. 461p. 97 plates (B&W photographs). Soft cover. Corners little bit dogs eared.A.o.: R.S. BRUMBAUGH: Symbolism in the Plato Scholia, III: A Final Summary (pp.2-12); A.I. SABRA: Thabit Ibn Qurra on Euclid's Parallels Postulate (pp.12-33); D. WINFIELD: Some Early Medieval Figure Sculpture from North-Aest Turkey (pp.33-73); H. MIEDEMA: The Term Emblema in Alciati (pp.234-251); Ch. DEMPSEY: Mercurius Ver: The Sources of Botticelli's Primavera (pp.251-274). € 34.50 (Antiquarian)
LAMPAS, Themanummer: Antieke herinneringsplaatsen (40,4). Verloren, Hilversum, 2007. pp.257-428. Wireless.A.o.: A.P.M.H. LARDINOIS: Seks à la Sappho (pp.273-281); V. STISSI: Het Parthenon (pp.281-305); P. SCHRIJVERS: De gevangenis van Socrates (pp.323-334); D. RIJSER: Arcadië (pp.353-361); F.G. NAEREBOUT: Gedroomd Rome (pp.361-371); P. GERBRANDY: Een nieuwer testament (pp.392-400). € 5.00 (Antiquarian)
LATINITAS. Commentarii linguae Latinae excolendae. Typis Pontificiae Universtitatis Gregorianae, Romae, 1971. 95p. Sewn. A.o.: H. PARATORE: De Lucano et Torquato Tasso (pp.6-24); V. ZAPPACOSTA: Amor Fugitivus (Idyllium Moschi), (pp.64-81). € 7.00 (Antiquarian)
LESSINGS WERKE. Herausgegeben von K. Wölfel. Erster Band: Gedichte. Fabeln. Dramen. Zweiter Band: Schriften zur Poetik. Dramaturgie. Literaturkritik. Dritter Band: Antiquarische Schriften. Theologische und philosophische Schriften. Eingeleitet von K. Beyschlag. Insel Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, 1982. 3 vols. Cloth. Indiapaper. Nice copy. € 13.50 (Antiquarian)
THE PENGUIN BOOK OF LATIN VERSE. Intr. and ed. by F. Brittain. With plain prose translations of each poem. Penguin, Harmondsworth, 1962. LXV,381p. Pocket. € 12.00 (Antiquarian)
PERMANENCE DE LA GRÈCE. Essais generaux réunis par P. Lemerle. Les Cahiers Du Sud, 1948. 392p. ills. Sewn.A.o.: J. HUMBERT: La Langue grecque, instrument de pensée (pp.33-49); G. DAUX: Les Grands Amphictyons (pp.51-61); A. AYMARD: Grandeur, faiblesse et survie du monde hellénistique (pp.103-116); P. LEMERLE: Byzance dans l'histoire et la civilisation. Textes présentés et traduits par Robert LEVESQUE. A.o.: Romanos et la poésie liturgique byzantine (pp.199-253). € 21.50 (Antiquarian)
DIE PFERDE VON SAN MARCO. Staatliche Museen Preußischer Kulturbesitz präsentiert von Olivetti im Martin-Gropius-Bau 8.März bis 25.April 1982. Frölich&Kaufmann, Berlin, 1982. 266p. Richly ills. (B&W photographs). Paperback. € 15.50 (Antiquarian)
PROCEEDINGS OF THE CLASSICAL ASSOCIATION 1972. Volume LXIX. Ed. by J.G. Landels. John Murray, London, 1972. 72p. Sewn. Bit dogseared. Pen markings on pp.13-16.A.o.: L.P. WILKINSON: Ancient Literature and Modern Literary Criticism (pp.13-27). € 13.50 (Antiquarian)
QUATTRO POETI ITALIANI. Edizione fatta su quella di A. Buttera del 1833. Dante: La Divina Commedia - Inferno. Purgatorio. Paradiso. Petrarca: Le Rime - In vita di Laura. In morte di Laura. Trionfo d'Amore. Trionfo della Castita. Trionfo della Morte. Trionfo della Fama. Trionfo della Tempo. Trionfo della Divinita. Ariosto: Orlando Furioso. Satire. Sonetti. Torquato Tasso: La Gerusalemme Liberata. Aminta. Intermedi. Amore fuggitivo. Lodi di Amore. L'Amore e il Tempo. Lefèvre, Paris, 1843. II,797p. Bound leather back. Back bit worn and partly torn from cover. Bit rust stained. € 84.00 (Antiquarian)
RECEPTIE VAN DE KLASSIEKEN III. Vier voordrachten. Universitaire Lerarenopleiding VU, 1991. 104p. Paperback. Contents: C. FISSER: Homerus in Beeld (pp.13-47); Ceg. de Groot: Kassandra toen en nu (pp.47-69); F. AKKERMAN: De humanistenbrief en het eindexamen Latijn 1992 (pp.69-89); R.Th. van der PAARDT: Traditionele en postmodernistische bewerking van Plinius' brieven (pp.89-103). € 10.00 (Antiquarian)