CATULLUS, TIBULLUS, PROPERTIUS, C. VALERII CATULLI VERONENSIS Ad Cornelium Nepotem liber; ALBII TIBULLI Libri IV. Sex. AURELII PROPERTII Libri IV. CN. CORNELII GALLI Vel potius MAXIMIANI Elegiarum Libellus. Et: (ANONYMUS:) Pervigilium veneris. € 47.50 Antiquarian Add to cart
PROPERTIUS, Carmina. Recognovit brevique adnotatione critica instruxit E.A. Barber. € 14.50 Antiquarian Add to cart
FUHRMANN, M., Europas fremd gewordene Fundamente. Aktuelles zu Themen aus der Antike. € 22.50 Antiquarian Add to cart
PROPERTIUS, Carmina. The Elegies of Propertius, with English notes by F.A. Paley. € 37.50 Antiquarian Add to cart
BROCK, R., and A.J. WOODMAN, (eds.), Papers of the Leeds International Latin Seminar. Eight Volume 1995. Roman Comedy, Augustan Poetry, Historiography. € 45.00 Antiquarian Add to cart
PROPERZ, (PROPERTIUS), Die Liebesgedichte. Deutsch von Fr. Diettrich. € 11.50 Antiquarian Add to cart