ZIMMERMANN, B., Greek Tragedy. An Introduction. Translated by Thomas Marier. € 15.00 Antiquarian Add to cart
SPITZBARTH, Anna, Untersuchungen zur Spieltechnik der griechischen Tragödie. € 16.00 Antiquarian Add to cart
EASTERLING, P., and E. HALL, (eds.), Greek and Roman Actors. Aspects of an Ancient Profession. € 82.50 Antiquarian Add to cart
KATSOURIS, A.G., Linguistic and Stylistic Characterization. Tragedy and Menander. € 49.50 Antiquarian Add to cart
BAIN, D., Masters, Servants and Orders in Greek Tragedy. A study of some aspects of dramatic technique and convention. € 19.50 Antiquarian Add to cart
BURNETT, A.P., Catastrophe Survived. Euripides' Plays of Mixed Reversal. € 25.00 Antiquarian Add to cart