DIONYSIUS the AREOPAGITE. The Divine Names. Translated by the Editors of the Shrine of Wisdom. € 20.50 Antiquarian Add to cart
CHURTON, T., Geschiedenis van de Gnosis. De kennis van het hart. Vertaling uit het Engels door M.G. Kuyper-Heeres. € 14.50 Antiquarian Add to cart
DIONYSIUS the AREOPAGITE, Mystical Theology and the Celestial Hierarchies. Translated by the Editors of the Shrine of Wisdom. € 17.00 Antiquarian Add to cart
DEPUYDT, W., Symboliek van de Griekse mythologie. Hesiodos' boodschap aan onze tijd. € 12.50 Antiquarian Add to cart
A.I.O.N. Annali dell'istituto universitario orientale di Napoli. XVII, 1995. € 25.00 Antiquarian Add to cart
CASTLEDEN, R., The Knossos Labyrinth. A new view of the 'Palace of Minos' at Knossos. € 29.50 Antiquarian Add to cart