McKINNON, J., (ed.), Antiquity and the Middle Ages. From Ancient Greece tot the 15th Century. (Series: Man and Music, vol.I). € 29.00 Antiquarian Add to cart
WRIGHT, F.A., The Arts in Greece. Three Essays. The Dance. Music. Painting. € 16.00 Antiquarian Add to cart
KNORRINGA, R., Fonction Phatique et Tradition Orale. Constantes et transformations dans un chant narratif roumain - Mogos Vornicul. Annexes. € 20.50 Antiquarian Add to cart
TAYLOR, R.J., Die Melodien der weltlichen Lieder des Mittelalters. I. Darstellungsband. II. Melodienband. € 18.50 Antiquarian Add to cart
KOLLER, H., Musik und Dichtung im Alten Griechenland. Mit zwanzig Tafeln. € 18.00 Antiquarian Add to cart
SMITS, J.P.H.M., Plutarchus en de Griekse Muziek. De mentaliteit van de intellectueel in de tweede eeuw na Christus. Plutarch and Greek music. The mentality of the intellectual in the 2nd century A.D. With a summary in English. € 28.00 Antiquarian Add to cart