PHAEDRUS, Fabularum Aesopiarum libri quinque. Emendavit adnotavit supplevit L. Mueller. € 22.50 Antiquarian Add to cart
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PHAEDRUS and AESOP, Fabeln in Auswahl nebst Proben aus dem deutschen, französischen und englischen Fabelschatz für den Schulgebrauch herausgegeben von C. Wolfschläger. Text. Kommentar. € 15.00 Antiquarian Add to cart
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BABRIUS and PHAEDRUS, Edited and translated into English by B.E. Perry. (Together with an historical introduction and a comprehensive survey of Greek and Latin Fables in the Aesopic Tradition). € 22.50 Antiquarian Add to cart
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BABRIUS and PHAEDRUS, Newly edited and translated into English by B.E. Perry. (Together with an historical introduction and a comprehensive survey of Greek and Latin Fables in the Aesopic Tradition). € 15.00 Antiquarian Add to cart