AVEZZÙ TENUTA, E., Procedimenti paradossali e tecniche della persuasione in Tucidide. € 37.50 Antiquarian Add to cart
LÓPEZ FÉREZ, J.A., Estudios actuales sobre textos griegos. (II Jornadas internacionales. UNED, 25-28 octubre 1989). € 16.00 Antiquarian Add to cart
KOHL, W., Die Redetrias vor der sizilischen Expedition (Thukydides 6,9 - 23). € 34.50 Antiquarian Add to cart
WIEDEMANN, Th., Thucydides The Peloponnesian War Book I - Book II, Ch. 65. A Companion to the English translation by Rex Warner with introduction and commentary. € 14.50 Antiquarian Add to cart