PLUTARCHUS, Leven van Sertorius. Tekst, Nederlandse vertaling, Historisch Kommentaar. € 18.50 Antiquarian Add to cart
PLUTARCHUS, Levens. Alexander de Groote. Uit het Grieksch door B.H. Steringa Kuyper. € 8.50 Antiquarian Add to cart
PLUTARCHUS, Levens. (Alexander en Caesar). Uit het Grieksch door B.H. Steringa Kuyper. Deel I en II. € 15.50 Antiquarian Add to cart
PLUTARCHUS, Levensbeschrijvingen van Alexander (den Groote) en Cajus (Julius) Caesar. Vertaald door M.B. Mendes da Costa. € 12.00 Antiquarian Add to cart
PLUTARCHUS, Life of Themistocles. With introduction, critical and explanatory notes, indices and map by H.A. Holden. € 13.50 Antiquarian Add to cart
PLUTARCHUS, Lives of Caesar, Brutus, and Antony. Edited with an Introduction, Suggestive Questions, and Notes. € 23.00 Antiquarian Add to cart
PLUTARCH, (PLUTARCHUS), Lives. The Translation called Dryden's. Corrected from the Greek and Revised by A.H. Clough. Complete in five volumes. € 100.50 Antiquarian Add to cart
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LIVINGSTONE, R.W., The Mission of Greece. Some Greek views of life in the Roman world. € 23.00 Antiquarian Add to cart