CALLIMAQUE, (CALLIMACHUS), Épigrammes et Hymnes. Texte établi et traduit par É. Cahen. € 12.50 Antiquarian Add to cart
CALLIMACHUS, Hymns, Epigrams, Select Fragments. Translated, with an Introduction and Notes by St. Lombardo and D. Rayor. With a Forword by D.S. Carne-Ross. € 14.50 Antiquarian Add to cart
PERROTTA, G., Poesia ellenistica. Scritti minori II. A cura di B. Gentili, G. Morelli, G. Serrao. € 22.50 Antiquarian Add to cart
PRETAGOSTINI, R., Ricerche sulla poesia alessandrina. Teocrito, Callimaco, Sotade. € 14.50 Antiquarian Add to cart
BULLOCH, A.W., Callimachus of Cyrene and the literary crisis at the beginning of the Hellenistic period: a preliminary study. € 115.00 Antiquarian Add to cart