AESCHYLUS, Agamemnon. Text with verse translation, introduction and notes by W. Haedlam. Edited by A.C. Pierson. € 37.00 Antiquarian Add to cart
AESCHYLUS, The Agamemnon. Translated into English rhyming verse with explanatory notes by Gilbert Murray. € 9.50 Antiquarian Add to cart
AISCHYLUS, Het treurspel van Agamemnoon. Naar het Grieksch in Nederlandsche verzen overgebracht door P.C. Boutens. € 12.00 Antiquarian Add to cart
AISCHYLUS, Het treurspel van Agamemnoon. Naar het Grieksch in Nederlandsche verzen overgebracht door P.C. Boutens. € 10.00 Antiquarian Add to cart
DIRKSEN, H.-J., Die aischyleische Gestalt des Orest und ihre Bedeutung für die Interpretation der Eumeniden. € 26.50 Antiquarian Add to cart
AESCHYLUS, The 'Choephori'. With an Introduction, Commentary and Translation by A.W. Verrall. € 55.00 Antiquarian Add to cart
AESCHYLUS, The Complete Plays. Translated into English Rhyming Verse with Commentary and Notes by Gilbert Murray. € 21.50 Antiquarian Add to cart
AESCHYLUS, Die Danaostöchter. Prometheus. Thebanische Trilogie. Drei Tragödien übertragen und erläutert von Ernst Buschor. € 9.50 Antiquarian Add to cart