ARBOR ALMA. The Giving Tree in Latin. Qui libellus est a Shel Silverstein primo Anglice compositus at nunc in sermonem Latinum a Guenevera Tunberg et Terentio Tunberg conversus. € 16.00 Antiquarian Add to cart
VISSER, P., De Beeldhouwer van Pompeji. Met 6 platen van B. en J. Midderigh-Bokhorst. [Novel for the youth]. € 15.50 Antiquarian Add to cart
WALLACE, L., Ben-Hur. Illustrated by H. King. Historical consultant: D.E. Strong. € 15.50 Antiquarian Add to cart
WINTERFELD, H., Caius, der Lausbub aus dem alten Rom. Alle Abenteuer in einem Band. (Jugendbuch). € 9.50 Antiquarian Add to cart
FINNIMORE-BUCKLEY, E., Children of the Dawn. Introduction by A. Sidgwick. Illustrations by Frank C. Papé. € 23.00 Antiquarian Add to cart