Miscellanea critica. Typis quinquies excusa prodeunt ex recensione et cum notis aliquanto auctoribus Th. Kidd. Accedunt appendicis loco Dawesii lusus juvenilies: Miltoni P.A. Graecae Metaphraseos, Specimen Integrum: Et excerpta e libello anglice scripto, 'tittle-tattle-mongers.'
J et J.J. Deighton / Whittaker, Cantabrigiae / Londini, 1827. 2nd ed. XLI,696p. Leather bound. Spine partly gone. Front cover loose. Binding tight. With signature A.Y. Campbell and small personal library mark and name on free endpaper.Richard Dawes became master of the grammar-school at Newcastle upon Tyne in 1738. In 1745 he had the satisfaction of seeing his Miscellanea Critica published by the Cambridge Press. The work is in five parts: (1) corrections of Terentianus Maurus; (2) criticisms on Oxford editors of Pindar; (3) Greek pronunciation; differences between Attic and Ionic futures, and between the subj. and opt.; and cottections of Callimachus; (4) the digamma; (5) ictus in Attic poets, and emendations of the Dramatists. Dawes is honourably mentioned by Cobet, together with Bentley and Porson, Elmsley and Dobree, as one of those Englishmen, from whose writings, 'non tantum locis corruptis clara lux affulget sed paulatim addiscitur ars quaedam, qua verum cernere et eruere et ipse possis.' (J.E. SANDYS in A Short History of Classical Scholarship, 1915, pp.269-70). From the library of the late Sir Kenneth James Dover.
€ 145.00