LEUVENSTEIJN, J.A. van, and J.B. BERNS, (eds.),
Dialect and Standard Language in the English, Dutch, German and Norwegian Language Areas. Dialekt und Standardsprache. Seventien Studies in English or German.
North-Holland, Amsterdam (...), 1992. 381p. Paperback. Small personal library mark and name on free endpaper.A.o.: Fr. Van COETSEM: The interaction between dialect and standard language, viewed from the standpoint of the germanic languages (pp.15-71); M. BENSKIN: Some new perspectives on the origins of standard written English (pp.71-106); M.J. van der WAL: Dialect and standard language in the past: the rise of Dutch standard language in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries (pp.119-130); J.P.A. STROOP: Towards the end of the standard language in the Netherlands (pp.162-178); C. van BREE: The stability of language elements, in present-day eastern Standard-Dutch and eastern Dutch dialects (pp.178-204); H. MENKE: Monolingual - bilingual - lektal? Die Zweisprachigkeit des niederdeutschen Kulturraumes aus historischer Sicht (pp.221-256); J. MACHA: Dialekt und Standardsprache: Ausprägung und Gebrauch bei rheinisch-ripuarischen Sprechern (pp.271-290); E. HANSSEN: Variation versus standardisation. The case of Norwegian bokmal: some sociolinguistic trends (pp.351-365). From the library of the late Sir Kenneth James Dover.
€ 22.50