The Conquests of Alexander the Great.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (...), 2012. 218p. Paperback. Nice copy. Like new. Series: Canto Classics. 'This book is part of the series 'Key Conflicts of Classical Antiquity', which aims to give introductions to paramount conflicts and wars in the ancient world. The choice of H, one of the most distinguished historians of the period in question, for this volume on Alexander the Great is anobvious one. Far from confining himself to a mere enumeration of the deeds and campaigns of Alexandr, H. explains very well the political circumstances and consequences. The battles are treated in a very concise manner (...). Illustrations of the battle scenarios make the account come alive and facilitate the understanding of the most important manoeuvres. H. dedicates much space to rational explanations of Alexander's decisions and movements (...). Special emphasis is put on the fabrication of an image of Alexander by his contemporary historiographers and the impact of their 'propagande' reaching far into modern scholarship. In short, H. succeeds in giving a balanced and demystified picture of Alexander's conquests. His analyses of the sources are compelling. (...) Still, there is one point that somewhat mars the impression of this otherwise excellent book. As in his collection of sources for Alexander the Great (...) he completely disregards the existence of sources other than those from the Greek and Roman world. (...) Not to consider, and not even to mention, this source material while resorting to often considerablu later accounts is not only methodologically unsound but brings with it a far greater danger, especially in an introductory volume: nameley of giving the reader the impression that beyond the usual and well-known Greek and Rman material there is nothing that can improve our knowledge of crucial events in ancient history.' (REINHARD PIRNGRUBER in The Classical Review (New Series), 2009, p.636).
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