Philoctetes. Edited by S.L. Schein.
Cambridge University Press, 2014. Reprint 1st ed.2013. XII,375p. Paperback. Series: Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics. The series 'Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics' was inaugurated in 1970 with an edition of Sophocles' Philoctetes by T. B. L. Webster. The limitations of Webster's commentary, particularly its lack of interest in literary analysis, were recognised at the time,1 and more than four decades later a replacement was urgently needed. That need has been fully met by this excellent commentary by Seth Schein, which deserves to become both a frequent point of reference for scholars and a welcome resource for teachers and their pupils. Undergraduate students reading the play with me this term have reacted very positively to the book, especially to its careful explanation of the Greek and its full discussion of the play's dramatic and literary qualities. (...) Schein's introduction is brisk, wide-ranging, and informative. (...) Sections on the setting and staging provide a useful overview in preparation for the detailed consideration of the performance seen in the commentary (...). The solid and substantial discussion of the chorus and characters (in that order, perhaps to encourage readers not to neglect the former?) is succeeded by an excellent account of Sophoclean language and style. (...) Schein rightly spends a great deal of his commentary explaining the Greek: no mean feat when it comes to Sophocles, and a welcome feature of the book that will interest not just students. (...) Cambridge University Press can set Schein's Philoctetes as a worthy companion alongside Easterling's Trachiniae and Griffith's Antigone in their series of excellent Sophoclean commentaries.' (P.J. FINGLASS IN Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2013.11.31).
€ 30.35