Achaea Magno-Graeca. Le iscrizioni arcaiche in alfabeto acheo di Magna Grecia.
Paideia Editrice, Brescia, 1988. 105p. Sewn. Cardboard. Series: Studi grammaticali e linguistici, 17. 'This slim volume collects the early inscriptions from the Achaean settlements in South Italy (Sybaris, with Poseidonia, Croton and its colonies, and Metapontum), written in the Achaean alphabet. An accompanying commentary discusses mainly linguistic points, which are brought together in the brief closing section and historical grammar. Given that the corpus is a small one, fifty-nine texts including coin legends, and nothing of any great length, the information to be extracted about the dialect is severly limited, but it is certainly useful to have all the evidence put together, especially since many of the texts of the inscriptions are otherwise only to be found in a wide scatter of other publications (...). Unfortunately recourse must still be had to these earlier publications since G.'s texts are not always accurate.' (J.H.W. PENNEY in The Classical Review (New Series), p.518). From the library of Prof. Carl Deroux.
€ 12.50