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FORREST, W.G., Wege zur hellenischen Demokratie. Staatsdenken und politische Wirklichkeit von 800-400 v.Chr. Aus dem Englischen von D. Fehling. Kindler, München, n.d.(>1966). 256p. ills. Bound wrps. Series: Kindlers Universitäts Bibliothek. € 10.00 (Antiquarian)
FORREST, W.G., A History of Sparta 950 - 192 B.C. Hutchinson University Library, London, 1968. 160p. Paperback. First pages loosening. Small personal library mark and name on free endpaper. From the library of the late Sir Kenneth James Dover. € 8.00 (Antiquarian)
FORSCHNER, M., Die Stoische Ethik. Über den Zusammenhang von Natur-, Sprach- und Morlaphilosophie im altstoischen System. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt, 1995. 2nd corr. and enlarged ed. 265p. Paperback. Name and date on half title. € 40.00 (Antiquarian)
FORSTER, E.M., Alexandria: A History and Guide. With an Introduction by L. Durrell. Michael Haag, London, 1982. XXVI,279p. Paperback. Nice copy. First British edition (reprinting the first Alexandrian edition and including E.M. Forster's Introduction to the 1961 edition). With Afterword and Notes by Michael Haag. € 29.50 (Antiquarian)
FORSTER, E.S., and T.B.L. WEBSTER, (eds.), An Anthology of Greek Prose. Manchester University Press, Manchester, 1933. VI,167p. Cloth. Front joints splitting.From the library of the late Prof. W. Geoffrey Arnott. € 14.50 (Antiquarian)
FORSTER, L., The Icy Fire. Five Studies in European Petrarchism. Cambridge University Press, London/NewYork, 1969. XVI,204p. Paperback. € 24.00 (Antiquarian)
FORTESCUE, A., The Lesser Eastern Churches. Catholic Truth Society, London, 1913. ills. XV,468p. Head and tail spine as well as corners little bit scratched. Ex libris on free end paper. € 69.00 (Antiquarian)
FORTGENS, H.W., Vademecum Livianum. Tjeenk Willink, Zwolle. 83p. Sewn. Bit yellowed. Series: Selecta, 3.Latin text with commentary in Dutch. € 7.00 (Antiquarian)
FORTGENS, H.W., and M.Th. HILLEN, Tirocinium Platonicum. Pars prior: excerpta e Dialogis Selegit. Pars posterior: Verborum Platonicorum Copia. Tjeenk Willink, Zwolle, 1935. 56,27p. Series: Selecta, 2. € 6.50 (Antiquarian)
FOSTER, K.P., Aegean Faience of the Bronze Age. Yale University Press, New Haven, 1979. XXI,205p. ills. Cloth wrps. € 29.00 (Antiquarian)