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STRUIK, D.J., Geschiedenis van de wiskunde. SUA, Amsterdam, 1977. 256p. Paperback. Library note on half title. Nice copy. Original edition Utrecht/Antwerpen, 1965. € 9.00 (Antiquarian)
STRUNK, K., (ed.), Probleme der Lateinischen Grammatik. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt, 1973. VII,451p. Cloth. Series: Wege der Forschung, Band XCIII. € 25.00 (Antiquarian)
STUART, M., Romeinsche Geschiedenissen. Met kaarten en plaaten. Johannes Allart, Amsterdam, 1794-1810. 30 vols. With 105 nice engravings designed by L. Portmann after J. Buijs or J. Kuyper, and P. Vijlijn after R. Vinkeles. Half leather bound. Gilt titled vignette as well as gilded volume number to spine. Marbled edges. Leather to spine scaved. Requires extra shipping costs. € 1150.00 (Antiquarian)
STUART, P. en M.E.Th. de GROOTH (eds.), Langs de weg. De Romeinse weg van Boulogne-sur-mer naar Keulen. Villa rustica. Thermenmuseum, Heerlen, 1987. 112p. Richly ills.(B&W as well as full colour photographs and line drawings). Sewn. Large paperback. Name and date on half title. Nice copy. € 17.50 (Antiquarian)
STUART, P., De Tabula Peutingeriana. De kaart. Commentaar. Vereniging Vrienden van het Museum Kam, Nijmegen, 1993. 2nd rev.ed. 2 vols. 31,20p. ills.(B&W photographs). Wire stitched. Spine a bit discoloured. Series: Museumstukken, II. € 15.00 (Antiquarian)
STUBBINGS, F.H., Prehistoric Greece. Rupert Hart-Davis, London, 1972. 95p. ills. Bound wrps. Gilt titled spine. Name and date on half title. Nice copy. € 10.00 (Antiquarian)
STÜCKELBERGER, A., Einführung in die antiken Naturwissenschaften. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt, 1988. X,217,VIIp. ills.(B&W photographs and line drawings). Paperback. € 18.00 (Antiquarian)
STUCKY, R.A., Tribune d'Echmoun. Ein griechischer Reliefzyklus des 4. Jahrhunderts v.Chr. in Sidon. Vereinigung der Freunde antiker Kunst c/o Archäologisches Seminar der Universität, Basel, 1984. 59,18p. ills.(B&W photographs and line drawings). Hard bound. With signature from Prof. Carl Deroux on title page. 700 copies only. Nice copy. € 20.00 (Antiquarian)
STUDNICZKA, Fr., Kyrene. Eine altgriechische Göttin. Archäologische und mythologische Untersuchungen. Brockhaus, Leipzig, 1890. XI,224p. ills.(line drawings and B&W photographs). Half leather bound. Spine gilt titled. (Rare). From the library of the late Professor Doktor Nikolaus Himmelmann. € 85.00 (Antiquarian)
STUDNICZKA, Fr., Die Siegesgoettin. Entwurf der Geschichte einer antiken Idealgestalt. Teubner, Leipzig, 1898. 27p. XII plates (with 59 B&W photographs and line drawings) loose in rear pocket. Half leather rebound. Spine gilt titled. Nice copy. Akademische Antirittsrede gehalten am 16. Januar 1898 im Skioptikon Hoersaal der Universitaet Leipzig. In erweiterter Bearbeitung. From the library of the late Professor Doktor Nikolaus Himmelmann. € 45.00 (Antiquarian)