The Epistle to Rheginos. A Valentinian Letter on the Resurrectiion. Introduction, translation, analysis and exposition.
SCM, London, 1969. XV,208p. Cloth wrps. Series: New Testament Library. 'One of the tractates in the Jung Codex, codex I of the Nag Hammadi find, the Coptic text of the Epistle to Rheginos was originally published in 1963 under the title 'De Resurrectione', edited and translated by an international team of scholars. Dr. Peel's volume represents a substantial advance in our understanding of the document, not by a radical divergence from the views of the first editors, but by a careful rethinking of their positions. A fresh translation of the document is provided (…) accompanied by a detailed commentary, principally on philological points. (…) The most general interest will center on the eschatological teaching of the letter, which, in Dr. Peel's interpretation, is heavily Christianized.' (ROGER A. BULLARD in Journal of the American Academy of Religion, 1972, p.266).
€ 19.50