Scrinium Classical Antiquity

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  • A Greek Grammar of the New Testament. A Translation and Revision of the ninth-tenth German edition incorporating supplementary notes of A. Debrunner by R.W. Funk. Cambridge University Press / University of Chicago Press, 1961. XXXVII,325p. Original burgundy cloth. Spine gilt titled. Upper edge publisher's stained. Spine a bit discoloured. Signature and date on free endpaper. ‘Now Professor R.W. Funk (…) has provided us with a translation and revision of ‘Blass-Debrunner.’ The format of the text is the same as that of the Arndt-Gingrich edition of Bauer’s Lexicon. The pages are large, and the type is most legible. Much less abbreviation is used than in the German original. Other complexities of the format of the ninth-tenth German edition have been simplified. The most important review of the 1954 edition of ‘Blass-Debrunner’ is that of W.P.M Walters (…) in the Theologische Literaturzeitung LXXXXII (1957), 110-115. It is characteristic of the new English edition that this authority’s criticism in a number of details has been taken into account fully. Other improvements - in particular (…) the incorporation of new materials collected by A. Debrunner before his death - have been made. (…) The American student now has available in his own language one of the finest tools for the interpretation of the New Testament.’ (WILLIAM R. SCHOEDEL in The Journal of Religion, 1963, pp.250-251). € 45.00 (Antiquarian) ISBN: 9783525521069

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