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  • Prolegomena zu einder Phänomenolgie der römischen Literaturgeschichtsschreibung. Vandenhoeck & ruprecht, Göttingen, 2000. 249p. Sewn. Card board covers. Name and date on half title. Series: Hypomnemata, 130. Nice copy. 'The methodological tool which S. proposes to use to carry our his study is 'phenomenology' (41-45), that is the focus on objects (in this case texts and fragments of texts) as they are encountered, without necessarily making assumptions about their connection to the external world which produced them. (...) So, S. focuses (142-152) on Velleius Paterculus distinctive ideas about aemulatio and imitatio as an explanation for why literature flourished in ertain periods (...), but does not contemplate the text as a product of Tiberius' principate. Not all of S.'s readers will agree with this emphasis, but ultimately this book addresses Roman writing about literary history, rather than being a study of individual authors, and its strength lies in drawing together disparate works from very different genres.' (RHIANNON ASH in The Journal of Roman Studies (2001), p.211). € 40.00 (Antiquarian) ISBN: 9783525252277

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