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    L'Alethia di Claudio Mario Vittorio. La parafrasi biblica come forma di espressione teologica. Institutum Patristicum Augustinianum, Roma, 2009. 260p. Paperback. spine with light reading trace. Series: Studia Ephemeris Augustinianum 113. With author's letter to Prof. Jan den Boeft. (Rare). ‘Between 435 and 450 Claudius Marius Victoria’s wrote his biblical epic ‘Alethia’, which paraphrases Genesis from the beginnning ‘ad obit patriarch Abraham’, as Gennadius states in his ‘De virus illustribus’ 60. (…) Although the ‘Alethia’ has not been neglected by scholars, a new thorough analysis was a desideratum. Such an exercise requires a multifarious competence: for instance familiarity with the traditions of Latin Hexametric poetry in general and its Christian specimens in particular, knowledge of the various strategies of biblical hermeneutics, feeling for the underlying doctrinal position of a particular author. Cutino first deals with the long introductory ‘Precatio’ of 126 verses. (…) As to the theological position, C. defends the view that he aimed to reconcile the Provençale and the Augustinian theological positions in the post-Pelagian era. This might well be an interesting contribution to the renewed scholarly discussions about this matter. C. Devotes the second and third part of his study to the three books of the ‘Alethia’. His analyses often have the character of a running commentary on the text, with full quotations and translations of the relevant passages, a strategy which is quite helpful. (…) As could be expected, the ‘Aeneid’ is an important model for the poet. (…) All those who take serious interest in late antique biblical epic poetry should study this book with great care, in order to benefit from Michele Cutino’s all-round expertise and didactic skill.’ (JAN DEN BOEFT in Vigiliae Christianae, pp.99-100). (Antiquarian)  (approx. delivery time: undeliverable) ISBN: 9788879611220