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PAPY, J., and T. VAN HOUDT, (eds.), The Creation of Reputations. Contributions to the Literary and Cultural History of Letter Writing in early Modern Times. Papers deliverd at a one-day colloquium by the Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie van België voor Wetenschappen en Kunsten,Leuven, 27 mei 2000. KULAK, Kortrijk, 2000. 182p. Soft cover. Series: Preprint, 96. With dedication from J. Papy. (Rare thus). a.o.: E. RUMMEL: Argumentis, non contumeliis: The humanistic model for religious debate and Erasmus' apologetic letters (pp.19-32); J. GRIFFITS: The Grammarian as 'Poeta' and 'Vates': Selfpresentation in the 'Antibossicon' (pp.32-55); K.A.E. ENENKEL: Die Grundlegung humanistischer Selbstpräsentation im Brief-Corpus: Francesco Petrarcas 'Familiarium rerum libri XXIV' (pp.98-119);L. JARDINE: Before Clarissa: Erasmus' 'Letters of Obsure Men' and Epistolary Fictions (pp.119-143). € 15.00 (Antiquarian)