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PETRUS CALLINICENSUS, Patriarchae Antiocheni Tractatus contra Damianum quae supersunt libri secundi I. Ediderunt et Anglice reddiderunt R.Y. Ebied, A. Van Roey, L.R. Wickham. Brepols, Turnhout / Leuven University Press, 1994. LVII,385p. Original green gilt stamped cloth. Series: Corpus Christianorum, Series Graeca, 29. The principal literary achievement of Peter of Callinicus, patriarch of Antioch from 581 to 591 is the rebuttal, directed against his co-religionist Damian, pope of Alexandria from 557/8 till 606/7. It has waited a long time for publication in a modern edition: the work survived not in its Greek original, but in Syriac translation, the theme is technical and complicated and its author belongs to a period and to a communion unfamiliar to most students of Christian life and thought in the patristic era. € 125.00 (Antiquarian) ISBN: 9782503402918