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  • Carmina. Edidit H. Bardon. Latomus, Bruxelles, 1970. 229p. Spine worn. Series: Collection Latomus, vol. 112. (Rare). ‘Bardon’s edition of Catullus will interest the scholar who may wonder how this compares with the excellent edition of Professor C.J. Fordyce (Oxford 1961). M. Bardon addresses himself to considerations different from those of Fordyce. Bardon’s intoroduction is divided into ‘Life and Works’ and ‘Texts’, and the latter receives by far the greater emphasis. (…) Bardon’s presentation of the life and works is particularly valuable because he catalogues the opinions of the major scholars; his references to Italian bibliography are especially helpful. (…) The problems of the text and the manuscript traditions are discussed more fully than in Fordyce’s edition. Tn fact, the textual introduction leaves nothing to be desired in its clarity and scholarship. (…)The Carmina (…) are translated literally into French prose, facing the Latin text. The annotations are succinct, but illuminating. Bardon’s Catulli Carmina will provide an excellent addition to the Catalan scholar’s library, especially those interested in critical problems.’ (MARION L. DANIELS IN The Classical World, 1971, pp.165-166). But also: 'Do we need yet another edition of Catullus? Or, to put the question less tendentiously, what has this edition to offer that is both new and valuable? My answer, regretfully, is: not much.' (E.J. KENNEY in The Classical Review (New Series), 1972, p.212). From the library of Prof. Carl Deroux. € 25.00 (Antiquarian)