Scrinium Classical Antiquity

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  • Georgics: Volume 2, Books III-IV. Edited by R.F. Thomas. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2001. Digital reprint 1st ed.1988. 256p. Paperback. Series: Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics. 'Professor Thomas describes the 'Georgics as 'perhaps the most difficult, certainly the most controversial, poem in Roman literature' (vol.1, p.16). It would be fairer to say that it has received less critical discussion than some other difficult Latin poems (...); a new commentary is therefore particularly welcome. (…) T.’s most important novelty is his exploitation of Callimachus (…). It (…) remains to emphasise that T.’s commentary is well-informed, clear, and sensible, and a significant contribution to Virgilian studies.’ (R.G.M. NISBET in The Classical Review (New Series), 1990, pp.260-63). € 30.50 (New) ISBN: 9780521346788

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