Scrinium Classical Antiquity

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  • Vergeten volkeren. Verloren culturen op de kaart gezet. Omniboek, Utrecht, 2020. 288p. Richly ills.(Full colour). Paperback. Original title: Forgotten Peoples of the Ancient World. 'What have the Akkadians ever done for us? As it turns out, rather a lot, as Philip Matyszak reveals in this lively, handsomely produced study of peoples and tribes whose PR departments were a smidgeon less muscular than the Romans’. Their obscure names are woven into our language: we sing ‘Land me safe on Canaan’s side’; we talk of oligarchs as ‘rich as Croesus’; we quote the Assyrian coming down ‘like the wolf on the fold’; and the aesthete’s go-to insult, ‘philistine’. Their stories, however, are not, and this book attempts to fill in the gaps. (...) Out of the scattered fragments of myth, legend and archaeology, Matyszak builds a compelling narrative of displacement and power at the edges of human knowledge. And it’s a welcome tonic to be reminded that humanity has faced a lot worse than a virus, and come through it, still farming, still building, still fighting.' (PHILIP WOMACK on the english original 06.06.2020). € 29.99 (New) ISBN: 9789401916875

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