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FINGLASS, P.J., and A. KELLY, (eds.), Stesichorus in Context. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2018. 1st paperback ed. XII,211p. Paperback. 'The book is structured around three ideas based on ancient claims about Stesichorus: first, that Stesichorus is ''supremely Homeric' (...); second, that there is more to his narrative technique than Quintilian’s remark '[Stesichorus] is redundant and diffuse' (redundat atque effunditur, Inst. 10.1.62); finally, that even though a character in a fifth-century comedy declares that 'it is old- fashioned to sing Stesichorus’ works' (...), the poet’s influence can be traced throughout centuries, from the mid-sixth century BCE to our days. (...). There is much to be gained from this learned volume, but we are still some distance away from encountering the world of the poet.' (PAULINE LEVEN on the 1st ed. in Bryn Mawr Classical Review). 2016.05.48). € 27.50 (New) ISBN: 9781107645660