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KENNEY, E.J., (ed.), The Cambridge History of Classical Literature. Vol.II, part 1: The Early republic; part 2: The Late Republic; part 3: The Age of Augustus; part 4: The Early Principate; part 5: The Later Principate. Advicory editor W.V. Clausen. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (...), 1983-1990. 5 vols. Vols. 1-2, 4-5 1st paperback ed.; vol.3 reprint 1st ed. VII,223;VI,153;VI,239;VII,240;VI,154p. Paperback. Vols.1-2,4-5 Cover a little bit yellowed.Vols.1 and 2: upper corner fornt cover near spine a little bit creased. € 85.00 (Antiquarian)