Scrinium Classical Antiquity

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  • Hecyra. Edited by S.M. Goldberg. Cambridge University Press, 2013. IX,223p. Paperback. Series: Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics. 'Sander Goldberg’s new commentary on ‘Hecyra’ (..) provides a most welcome resource for greater appreciation of one of New Comedy’s richest plays. This edition by one of the most astute living interpreters of Republican Latin literature does not disappoint, although Goldberg makes no pretence of solving all the difficulties posed by ‘Hecyra’. In addition to supplying appropriately pitched and detailed commentary on morphology, syntax, semantics, and translation, Goldberg displays keen sensitivity to the particulars of performance throughout the edition (…). His notes are models of concision, clarity, and incisiveness, typically balancing traditional philology with imaginative analysis of ‘Hecyra’ in performance. (…) Readers of all stripes will find Goldberg’s accounts of Terence’s language, style, and metre helpful and instructive. He is acutely attuned to musical transitions (…) and gives a pellucid account of the technicalities of Terence’s iambi-trochaic verse and the effects the playwright is striving for therein. (…) This is a superb addition to Cambridge’s growing body of exemplary commentaries on Roman comedies.’ (DAVID CHRISTENSON in Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2014.12.34). € 27.90 (New) ISBN: 9780521721660

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