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JANSEN, Laura, (ed.), The Roman Paratext. Frame, Texts, Readers. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (...), 2017. 1st paperback ed. XIV,320p. Paperback. What is a paratext, and where can we find it in a Roman text? What kind of space does a paratext occupy, and how does this space relate to the text and its contexts? How do we interpret Roman texts 'paratextually'? And what does this approach suggest about a work's original modes of plotting meaning, or the assumptions that underpin our own interpretation? These questions are central to the conceptual and practical concerns of the volume, which offers a synoptic study of Roman paratextuality and its exegesis within the broad sphere of Roman studies. Its contributions, which span literary, epigraphic and visual culture, focus on a wide variety of paratextual features - e.g. titles and inter-titles, prefaces, indices, inscriptions, closing statements, decorative and formalistic details - and other paratextual phenomena, such as the frames that can be plotted at various intersections of a text's formal organization. * Proposes a new direction in the criticism of the structure of Roman literary and extra-literary texts. * Argues for a new understanding of the exegesis of Roman texts and critical thinking about the construction of interpretative communities through the lens of the paratext. * Explores cultures of reading, writing, editing, revision, publishing, circulation and consumption in ancient Rome. (Publisher's information). € 28.50 (New) ISBN: 9781107607286