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MAREK, V., and D. MUCHNOVÁ, (eds.), Graecolatina Pragensia XXIII. Charles University / Karolinium Press, Prague, 2011. 169p. Sewn. Series: Acta Universitatis Carolinae Philologica 1. A.o.: S. DOLEŽAL: Possible legal impacts of the homiles 'Against the Jews' by J. Chrysostomos (pp.15-31); O. MURRAY: Momigliano on Peace and Liberty (1940) (pp.81-97); M. VANÍKOVÁ: The Saturnian Verse. New Attempt of the establishment of its metric structure (pp.107-131); J. BAKYTA: Entwicklung des griechischen Lateininventars im 5.-4. Jahrhundert v. Chr. und die Variationslinguistik. Zum Buch 'Aussprache und Phonologie im Altgriechischen' von Christos Karvounis (pp.131-141). From the library of the late Dr. Dirk Panhuis. € 17.50 (Antiquarian) ISBN: 9788024619378