Scrinium Classical Antiquity

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  • Under Construction. Links for the site of Literary Theory. Essays in Honour of Hendrik van Gorp. Leuven University Press, Leuven, 2000. This volume is both an act of homage to Hendrik Van Gorp and a representation of the diverse areas of literary research in which he has been active: narratology, hermeneutics, the study of translation and adaptation, and the study of literary dynamics. (Publisher's information). A.o.: A.M. MUSSCHOOT: From Perspective over Focalization to Vision: A Look at New Developments in the Theory of Narrative (pp.13-25); J. WEISGERBER: Un lieu magique: le jardin d'Armide (pp.25-39); H. STEINMETZ: Hermeneutic Movements (pp.105-117); Th. D'HAEN: Lost in Translation? Nijhoff and Eliot (pp.225-239); D. FOKKEMA: Restrictions on the Dynamics of Literature (pp.283-293); R.T. SEGERS: The Cultural Turn - The Importance of the Concept 'Cultural Identity' (pp.369-389). € 22.50 (Antiquarian) ISBN: 9789058670281

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