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WHALEN, B.E., Dominion of God. Christendom and Apocalypse in the Middle Ages. Harvard University Press, Cambridge (Mass.)/London, 2009. 328p. Half cloth with dust wrappers. 'Whalen’s accomplishment is to take a synoptic view of western Christian apocalyptic thought and propaganda from roughly 1050 until 1350 in terms of one central theme: bringing Jews, Greeks, and Saracens into one ‘sheepfold’ under the ministry of one ‘shepherd,’ the Roman pope. He offers virtually encyclopedic coverage of the vast number of prophecies from the period. This is a major contribution to the interpretation of medieval and western Christian history, and I enthusiastically recommend it.' (ROBERT E. LERNER). € 33.50 (Antiquarian) ISBN: 9780674036291