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HUMANISTICA LOVANIENSIA. Journal of Neo-Latin Studies. Vol.LVI-2007.

Leuven University Press, Leuven, 2007. 450p. Paperback.
A.o.: Chr.L. HEESAKKERS: Neo-Latin Academic Funeral Oratory and Poetry in the Low Countries (pp.1-49); Th. GÄRTNER: Untersuchungen zur Rezeption des Caesar-und-Pompeius-Stoffs in der lateinischen Renaissancetragödie (pp.121-143); H. HOFMANN: The Shield of Aeneas in the Hands of Columbus. The Reception of Vergil's Description of Aeneas' Shield in Some Neo-Latin Poems on Columbus and the Discovery of the New World (pp.145-179); T. Van HALL: Towards Meta-Neo-Latin Studies? Impetus to Debate on the Field of Neo-Latin Studies and its Methodology (pp.349-365).
€ 82.00 Antiquarian

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