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JONGE, C.C. de,

Between Grammar and Rhetoric. Dionysius of Halicarnassus on Language, Linguistics, and Literature.

Private Presses, n.p., 2006. XI,407p. Theses. Paperback. With gift intention from the author to 'Manfred' (Horstmanshoff). Diss. Universiteit Leiden.
'De J. writes in a well-documented and precise manner and is well informed about modern literature on the various subjects. His argumentation is supported by quotations from the sources, both in the original language and in translation. This makes the reading heavy at times, but it is preferable to the opposite. Consultation of the book is made easy by an Index of Greek Terms, an Index Locorum and a general Index. I recommend this excellent book to anyone interestd in ancient language disciplines. It is an example of good scholarship and sound method.' (JAANA VAATHERA on the trade edition in The Classical Review (New Series), 20010, p.66).
€ 80.00 Antiquarian