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Un langage de prière juif en grec. Le témoignage des deux premiers livres des Maccabées.

Almqvist & Wiksell, Stockholm, 1987. 157p. Paperback. Some erasable pencil markings and annotations from H. Hilhorst. Series: Coniectanea Biblica, New Testament Series, 17.
‘Its aim is to establish the characteristic features of the language of prayer of the Greek speaking Jews. To this end the author studies the prayers in 1 and 2 Maccabees, which she compares with those in a number of Jewish and Christian texts (…). She deals with four aspects, context of the prayers, vocabulary, style, and organization. The study of the context reveals the function of the prayers in the composition of the work, as a commentary on the immediate context as a means of expressing a message which the authors of 1 or 2 Maccabees want to impart. Under ‘vocabulary’ words and expressions which carry significant ideas are discussed (…). Under ‘style’ the author singels out no less than five qualities: affective meaning of words and clauses, figures of style, frequency and position of words, rhythm and attitude of the author towards his object. Finally, under ‘organization’ she studies the arrangement of the subject matter, the subject matter itself and the actors and action (…). The value of the book consists chiefly in its analysis of the different prayers.’ (A. HILHORST in Journal for the Study of Judaism, 1989, p.222).
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