Epigrammata, paraphrasi et notis variorum selectissimis ad usum Delphini, interpretatus est V. Collesso, numismatibus, historias atque ritus illustrantibus, exornavit L. Smids.
Apud G. Gallet, Praefectum Typographiae Huguetanorum, 1701. (XXX),III,600,56,142p. Parchement. Cover with some stains. Binding professionaly restaurated. First pages with womhhole. Else fine.
'A very valuable edition of Martial,' says Harwood, 'and ornamented with very elegant figures.' The more indelicate epigrams are put at the end of the volume, similar to the arrangement in the Delphin edition of 1680.' (Dibdin II, 231).
€ 275.00