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Naissance de la poésie dans l'Occident chrétien. Esquisse d'une histoire de la poésie latine chréteinne du IIIe au VIe siècle.

Études Augustiniennes, Paris, 1981. 304p. Card board covers with dust wrps. Dust wrps a bit worn and a bit damaged. Signature from W. Evenepoel on free endpaper. A lot of markings, and some underlinings as well as annotations, all in pencil.
‘It is with great pleasure that we announce this important book in which the author gives a full description of the origin of Christian Latin poetry and of the further evolution of its various genres. The two main virtues of this book are: the completeness of the information, which is evident from the full bibliography (pp.289-304), and the continuous endeavour to show how both the creation and the evolution of the increasingly numerous genres can, at all events externally, be explained from the course of general history and of cultural history in particular. To these we must add the author’s gift for vivid description and exact formulations. The combination of these qualities has produced a book which every student of Christian Latin literature should study with greatest exactness.’ (J.H. WASZINK in Vigiliae Christian, 1983, p.72). From the library of Prof. Willy Evenepoel.
€ 100.00 Antiquarian