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De congressu eruditionis gratia. Introduction, traduction et notes par M. Alexandre.

Éditions du Cerf, Paris, 1967. 270p. Sewn. Cardboard. Plasticized. Series: Les Oeuvres de Philon d'Alexandrie, 16. (Rare).
Greek - French text. 'The main weight of this handy and valuable edition of Philo's 'de Congrassu' lies in the detailed commentairy. This is remarkably full, learned, and independent in judgement, especially interesting when criticizing Colson, whose work is justly admired. The text is Endland's with occasional deviations, and is printed without apparatus. (...) The translation and notes (...) offer a caluable contribution to the interpretation of the treatise, and the introduction includes a good section on the far-reaching influence that it came to exercise.' (H. CHADWICK in The classical Review (New Series), 1969, p. 238).
€ 30.00 Antiquarian