Blocking the Sun. The Cyprus Conflict.
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, 1997. VIII,161p. Paperback. With errata leaflet. Name and date on half title. Series: Minnesota Mediterranean and East European Monographs, A Modern Greek Studies Yearbook Supplement, Number 5.
Blocking the Sun is a provocative study of the Cyprus question during the past fifty years. The author maintains that the division of the island did not result from strife between Greek and Turkish Cypriots. On the contrary, he believes that Turkey had planned since the late 1950s to control northern Cyprus. To this end, ankara helped provoke and indeed manipulated intercommunal violence as e pretext for the 1974 invasion. With a fresh eye, Scherer discusses the diplomatic complexities of the cyprus question, particularly since 1974, and suggests options for the government of Cyprus to recover the occupied territory and reunite the country. An informative and lucid account, Schwrer's book could be read profitably by all concerned for a fair and lasting peaceful solution to the Cyprus question. (Publisher's information).
€ 40.00