Renaissance Latin Verse. An Anthology.
Duckworth, London, 1979. XXIX,560p. Original blue gilt titled cloth with dust wrps.
'In this book the talents of both editors are seen to great advantage. the brief accounts of each author and the notes give the reader much help within small space. The necessary bibliographical information is given, and yet the learning of the editors never swamps the reader. To reproduce the spelling of the manuscripts would have caused inconsistency as well as obscurity, and the editors have sensibly modernised throughout. The text has been most carefully edited, and the book contains some felicitous emendations (...). But the book is not only a distinguished work of scholarship; it contains much poetry that is a delight to read, and its superb printing and production (..) make it a most valuable possession.' (HUGH LLOYD-JONES in Spectator, 24.09.1979, p.19-20).
€ 40.00