Tracce nella mente. Teorie della memoria da Platone ai moderni.
Edizioni della Normale, Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa, 2007. X,265p. ills. Paperback. Initials J. Mansfeld and date on half title. Upper corner first pages a bit bumped. (Rare).
'To conclude, Sassi’s volume is a multifaceted and yet very coherently organized study of historical accounts of memory from Plato’s time onwards, which will be of interest to philosophers, psychologists, and cognitive scientists alike who want to be informed about the history of the subject. The volume is a study in the history of epistemology and in the history of the philosophy of mind, and as such is excellently done. The philosopher reader may wish for further explanation and development of the theory of memory distinctive to each of the thinkers examined in the essays, and feels at times left with only a description rather than an analysis of the various accounts of memories presented. But possibly these further goals could not have been achieved within the volume’s limits. The historian of philosophy will find the volume a very rewarding and instructive reading, and unique in its subject matter.' (ANNA MARMADORO in BMCR 2008.09.54). A.o.: G. CAMBIANO: Problemis della momoria in Platone (pp.1-25); M.M. SASSI: Aristotele fenomenologo della memoria (pp.25-47); K. IERODIAKONOU: The Stoics and the Skeptics on memory (pp.47-67); Chr. D'ANCONA: Plotino: memoria di eventi e anamnesi di intelligibili (pp.67-99); B. CILLERAI: Agostino: la memoria centro dell' actio animae (pp.99-119); F. MIGNINI: La dottrina della memoria in Spinoza (pp.191-215).
€ 65.00